Clinical Services

Gender Affirming Support/Treatment

You deserve to be the most authentic version of yourself and that includes your gender identity and expression. So, whether you are looking for a support person to help you (and your family) process this journey or you’re feeling stuck and need some quality therapeutic guidance, I’m here to help.

I have years of experience working with gender non-conforming, gender fluid, and transgender-identified folx who were in various stages of their gender journey. Witnessing a person’s ability to flourish in authenticity is nothing short of beautiful.

There’s no wrong way to be yourself, so why do some people reach out to a sex therapist for support around gender?

  • Stress-related to social transition

  • Support around physical transition (if desired)

  • Family therapy/psycho-education

  • Someone to provide validation around the obstacles related to coming out.

  • Anxiety, depression, and other mental health-related issues impact one’s ability to manage stressors related to the exploration of gender.

  • Crisis intervention/Suicidality.

  • Gender affirming documentation to support medical transition.

ENM/Polya & Monogamous Couple Therapy

Seeking support and guidance that does not quite meet the needs of “typical” couple treatment? Are you looking for resources, ideas, and other forms of therapeutic processing with a trained professional? We are here to help!

Why might someone seek out relationship coaching?

  • Considering opening up your relationship/marriage and don’t know where to start?

  • Suggestions on ways to connect with your partner?

  • Increase intimacy with self and others.

  • Kink, Fetish & BDSM support/education

  • Navigating crises both internal and external to the relationship(s),

  • General education.
    A judgement free space to discuss relational structures/interests.

Individual Sex Therapy

Why might someone look into sex therapy for individual needs? Great question! A person's sexual identity is ever-evolving over their life. Whether it's adapting to bodily changes, navigating challenges in a new relationship, exploring the idea of an open marriage, or seeking a deeper understanding of their sexual self, sex therapy can offer valuable assistance!

You would benefit from individual sex therapy if you struggle with or have experienced any of the following:

  • Challenges with specific Sexual Functioning(s).

  • Exploring Kink/BDSM.

  • Pleasure-focused Sex Education for Adults.

  • Considering Ethical Non-monogamy.

  • Exploration of Sexual Orientation

  • Healing from Sexual/Non-sexually based Trauma(s)

  • Navigating stigma and shame related to sexual interests/behaviors.

  • Understanding and Processing Fetishes/Specific Sexual Interests.

Minor-Attracted Person (MAP) Treatment

Anti-stigma, client-centered treatment for individuals who are navigating life with minor attraction.


  • Mental Health Difficulties—anxiety, depression, substance abuse, self-injury or suicidality, etc.

  • Inter/Intrapersonal support.

  • Sexual Health

  • External Stressors

  • Family/Couple Therapy

  • CBT, Solution Focused, Sex Therapy

Forensic Sex Therapy

You deserve to work with a qualified, non-judgmental therapist who can help you reduce problematic sexual behavior with the goal of leading a healthy and successful life. As someone with years of experience working with individuals who have sexually offended and/or struggle with paraphilic disorders, I have the skills and ability to offer you and your loved ones a safe environment to process the challenges you may face and reduce your risk of engaging in offending behaviors.

You would benefit from forensic sex therapy if you struggle with or have experienced the following:

  • Incarceration due to sex offending

  • History of domestic violence

  • History of Child Sexual Exploitation Material use (child “pornography”)

  • Sexual preoccupation or the use of sex as a coping method

  • Lack of general sexual education and support

  • Sex Offender Treatment as a requirement for probation or parole

  • Couples therapy and support after incarceration

  • Paraphilic disorder support.